I am so excited to be answering the first (of many, I hope!) questions on Ask Arielle! This question comes from my dear friend and mentor, Lisa Nicole, author of Guide to Divine Divorce. She asks, "When you see spirits and angels does it frighten you? Did it when you were a kid?”
This question really made me check into my longstanding relationship with Angels and spirit world. I don’t know that I was have ever been frightened of them; since they have been around me my entire life, I didn’t know any different. As a child, I had copious imaginary friends, which my parents just chalked up to me being an only child trying to entertain myself. In retrospect, I have to wonder how many of them were actually my Angels and guides and not just “imaginary”. Wonder has shifted to knowing, as I heard confirmation of my theory as I have been typing just now. Thanks Angels!
Again, checking in, I was never scared by seeing Angels and spirits. My vision has always been wonky, so before I completely understood what I was seeing, there were things that were frightening to me – just not spirits. For example, when I was seven years old I remember seeing and feeling the walls and ceiling breathing and moving in my bedroom. It was jarring to witness reality physically move, and was scary then because I didn’t know what was happening. I understand now that the vision was a result of my third eye being open and aware, so I have since been able to shift the old feelings of fear that was attached to seeing with my third eye.
What did really frightened me as a child were my nightmares. I remember having a terrible time trying to fall asleep at night, once I did fall asleep I was trapped in a world I didn’t understand. I have always had very vivid dreams, being able to recall full scenes along with people, senses and physical experiences. I often woke up in the middle of the night still stuck in sleep paralysis, not able to move, forced to lie awake sifting through the dream I just had. Not wanting to be a slave to the experience, I eventually taught myself how to lucid dream so that I could control the situations that I found myself in and enjoy the experience. I think because I knew that my vision was never idillic, my claircognizance (clear knowing) was really what scared me most as a child, again, because I didn’t understand what was happening to me. I keep being brought back to the day that my stepdad’s father passed away. He had been treated for cancer and was already in hospice care, though I was too young at the time to understand how that process worked. My cousins and I were in the basement playing while the adults were all upstairs, and I remember stopping and knowing that something was different and something had happened. I could feel a shift in the energy, but I had no idea where it was coming from. I was feeling his transition from in-body back to soul. Fear is what happens when we don’t take the time to understand what is happening around us. When we shut off and ignore the signs that the Universe is sending, we are not honoring our Truth. All of the experiences that have scared or frightened me in this lifetime have been some of the best teachers of the most valuable and beautiful lessons. By taking the time to face our fears, we can see that they are really some of our biggest gifts if we process our feelings and move through them. I hope this answered your question Lisa and I look forward to answering more questions soon! Love and Light, xo Arielle Sterling P.S. Are you wanting to keep up with the latest blogs and happenings? Subscribe to my mailing list and receive a FREE gift as my thank you to YOU for being on this journey with me!
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Arielle SterlingArielle is a best-selling author, holistic life coach and intuitive energy healer. Archives
December 2024