I feel like Good Friday seems like as good a day as any to discuss old beliefs, don’t you? How many things are there in your life that you do that don’t make sense to you or don’t resonate with you, but you continue to do anyways? As humans, we habitually continue to do things that once may have made sense to us, but no longer serve a purpose or space within us.
For example, I have a friend who takes issue with saying the term “bless you” after someone sneezes. Now its not that she isn’t kind or caring, it is the etymology or history of where the term came about that raises concern. The usage of this phrase initiated from a fear that when an individual sneezed their soul left their body and an evil spirit could enter instead. Thus, people would say “[G-d] bless you” out of fear, as a form of protection.
Sneezing is a perfectly normal bodily function allowing us to release energy in a rapid manner, not something that should have any fear attached to it. As someone who has allergies and has been sneezing a lot over the past week, let me tell you, I do not want to have that yucky energy lingering over me each time I sneeze. It has, however, been highly entertaining to hear the utterances she has come up with instead since its still habit to acknowledge the sneeze in some way; my favorite so far being "good job” which still sends me into fits of hysterical laughter even as I type this. Something that I have a hard time with is the idea of asking someone to pray for a specific cause. Now stay with me for a second, don’t go grabbing your pitchforks and lighting up your torches quite yet, just hear me out on this one. When our society asks us to pray for someone or something it is because we feel sorry for them, something terrible has happened and now we feel pity for them or the situation. Therefore, this concept elicits morose and melancholy feelings, so by “praying for [x, y, z...]” this keeps the afflicted trapped in that despondent vibration. The intention of the word or phrase is where consideration needs to be made. So when someone asks me to pray for them, no I am not going to pray for you; I will not consciously add to keeping that lower vibration trapped. What will I do? I will send you love, light and infinite blessings. I choose to raise the vibration of the situation rather than keep it as status quo. Just because you are taught something does not mean that you personally resonate with it, I challenge you to think about things within your own life that you may take issue with. What old beliefs are you willing to look at within yourself? What are you ready to let go of that you no longer identify with? Don’t just settle because there are somethings that you’ve always done and that’s "just the way it is", challenge yourself, challenge others around you. Find your truth. Find who you really are — I bet you're more incredible than you can even imagine. When you are ready, I can help remove old beliefs and belief systems that you may be carrying not only from yourself but from your family ancestry. There has been a recent boon in studies in the field of epigenetics explaining how fears are passed along from one generation to the next! Learn more about how I can help you with DNA work here! Love and Light, xo Arielle Sterling P.S. Wanting to keep up with my latest blog and offerings? Make sure you sign up for my mailing list and as my FREE gift to you, you'll receive a FREE Chakra Sound Bath!
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Arielle SterlingArielle is a best-selling author, holistic life coach and intuitive energy healer. Archives
December 2024